Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet I

Alas that I so hastely should come
To terrifie the man with fatall dread,
That deemed quiet Pennes, or dead, or dum,
And stoutly knock't poore Silence on the head.
Enough can say : dead is the Dog of spite :
I, that for pitie praised him aliue,
And smil'd to hear him gnar, and see him bite,
Am not with sory carcasses to striue.
The worst I list of Famous him report :
Poules hath the Onely Pregnant Autor lost :
Aihme, quoth Wit in lamentable sort,
What worthy wight shall now commaund the rost ?
Fame heard the plaint : and pointed at A man
As greene as Greene, and white as whitest Swanne.


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